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Mami Wata allo Short Film Day in Europa

Centro Nazionale del Cortometraggio


Gaia lives with her adoptive grandmother in a country house. She has a special relationship with a white lily plant she grew in her grandmother’s land; every day she takes care of it. Cristina is the daughter of a very powerful businessman. She is different from the other children. Her skin, diaphanous because she is albino, creates a wall of distance with the surrounding reality. When her father, an unscrupulous man, is interested in Gaia’s grandmother’s land, Cristina rebels against him. Story of a pure and simple friendship, Mami Wata takes its name from an African goddess, symbol of water and of the duality of nature: pure and pristine, rebel and free.

Credits articolo: Centro Nazionale del Cortometraggio

Link per l’articolo completo: Short Film Day – 2022 –

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